The WEB, SMS and Email control system by Area SX is renewed.
Even more powerful, more versatile and with more features.
Up to 32 analog and digital inputs, 32 relay outputs, 4 temperature and humidity sensors,
a backup battery with power supply fault detection, all in a very compact DIN rail plastic enclosure.
GSM GPRS Ambient Sensor Ethernet RS232 Serial
Main features overview
- 4 multipurpose inputs (digital, analog 0-5V, analog 0-10V, analog 4-20mA)
- 4 digital or photocoupled inputs
- 8 relay outputs 48V/3A
- 4 temperature sensorsboth local or via LAN -40/+120°C (+/-0.5°C)
- 4 relative humidity sensors both local or via LAN 0-100% (+/-2%)
- Extended range power supply 12-24V DC, 12-20V AC
- Input for lead backup buttery
- Battery recharge circuit
- Detection of battery charge status
- Detection of main power supply
- GSM/GPRS quad band modem with external antenna
- 10/100Mbit Ethernet interface
- Display LCD 16x2
- 4 LEDs
- Membrane keyboard with 4 buttons
- Mode for Outputs direct control by inputs
- Periodic trasmission of the state and of the eventual alamrs via GPRS to a pre-configured server
- HTML pages accessible via Web for monitoring of the system and switching of the outputs
- Up to 3 estension boars for a total number of 32 inputs and 32 outputs
Do you want to have a live view of the system?
At the following weblink
you can directly access to our test system.
No password is needed to enter the system configuration, just click on "Configurazione" button.
Demo version limitations:
- The system accepts just a few number of simultaneous connections, so it can be unreachable sometimes. In this case just wait and try again.
- For the same reason mentioned before, sometimes the parameters update may fail.
- The system doesn’t save the eventual modifications to its settings, anyway all the parameters may be changed without limits
- The system doesn’t send alarm messages by email and SMS
- The output relays will be physically switched on the board placed in our Area SX laboratories but, because of the eventual simultaneous access by several users, it is possible that the status you set is not properly displayed
The Demo System is shown in the version equipped with just one extension.
The standard version of the SMS Line Control is equipped only with the first 8 inputs.
Device overview
The new version of SMS Line Control has the same features of power and simplicity which characterize the previous version
but with in addition many very interesting news.
Among the main new features, of course the ones Which emerge are the multipurpose inputs, software configurable in four different modes:
- Digital Input
- Analog Voltage Input (0-5V)
- Analog Voltage Input (0-10V)
- Analog Current Input for 4-20mA sensor
But the news also apply to the modes of output control
which can now be individually configured to implement different functionalities:
- Output controlled directly by the input
- Output controlled by alarm on the input
- Output controlled by a GSM ring (voice call with no answer)
- Output controlled by one of the environmental sensors
- Output controlled by the presence or absence of main power supply
The many other new features,
ranging from the management of the sensors to the possibility of extending the number of inputs and outputs,
are combined with the several features already present on the previous versions,
so making a product with a very high flexibility, excellent scalability and a respectable price / performance ratio.
Hardware extensions for the SMS Line Control
SMS Line Control can be extended either via LAN and locally. The extensions include:
- Up to 4 remote temperature and humidity sensors connected via Ethernet (Thermohygrometric Ethernet sensor (boxed version)).
The sensors, which are identical to the one that may be installed on the main unit of SMS Line Control,
are read by the SMS Line Control via an Ethernet connection and the measured values are reported in the main control panel (described below).
As for the optional local one, for each remote sensor it's possible to configure an alarm via SMS and/or Email
when the preset thresholds, both of temperature and humidity, are exceeded.
- Up to 3 local extensions for inputs and outputs which implement additional 24 inputs and 24 relay outputs (EXP485 Scheda di espansione I/O Modbus su RS485).
The inputs and the outputs of extension boards share the same possibility of control and configuration as the ones on the main board.
The total amount of inputs and outputs of the extended system is 32 inputs (8 on the main unit, 24 on the local extensions),
32 outputs (8 on the main unit, 24 on the local extensions), 4 temperature and humidity sensors.
The whole systems share the same control panel (described below) and the same GSM modem to obtain a full centralization of information and alarms.
Control panel
The device control panel is used simply through your web browser by typing the IP address assigned to the device itself:
the graphical interface has been completely redesigned to provide as much information as possible in a very simple and intuitive way;
the informations showed are relative either to the main unit and to the optional extensions (if connected).
Both the status monitor display panel and the configuration panel of the machine are embedded with the firmware and they are available
without any additional software installation; in particular, if a public IP address can be used,
it is possible to access the system from any computer on the Internet.
In the displayed page all the main information of the device are shown:
the input status with the indication if alarms via SMS are enabled or not,
the output status with the option to switch them,
the current measure of temperature and humidity for every configured sensor,
the status of power supply, the battery charge, the modem status and the GSM signal level.
The panel is updated automatically within preset time interval or on demand.
Finally on the control panel you find the button to access the configuration page.
System configuration
The system configuration is very simple as well as its use.
By mean of several graphical interfaces, you can set all the needed parameters including the finest details.
Input Configuration
The inputs configuration is done completely in software, with the only exception of the photo-coupled inputs
which require physical insulation between signals and electronics. The available modes are:
- Input analog 0-5V
- Input analog 0-10V
- Input analog 4-20mA. In this mode the device also provides a supply voltage to the external sensor.
- Input digital (dry contact or photo-coupled). The digital inputs may also realize filters to operate:
- when it reaches the alarm status (Pure digital)
- when it reaches the alarm status N times (Packet mode)
- when it reaches the alarm status and cancelling other alarms for the next N seconds (Delayed mode)
- when it reaches the alarm status and it remains stable for the next N seconds (Filtered mode)
- when it switches from the inactive to active alarm status (On the edge)
This way the SMS Line Control may be connected to any kind of inputs:
alarm equipment, many kind of sensors, heating or cooling systems, etc.
Moreover, as said before, each single input may be set both as dry contact and as photo-coupled input,
so allowing the simultaneous revelation of signals coming form different kind of sources.
For all the alarms you can also activate the end of alarm notification that enables to receive the
SMS and/or Email notification message when the input, that caused the alarm, is back within the normal range.
Output Configuration
The relay outputs, which may be activated either via the Web or via SMS, can also be configured to realize automatic functions
according to external conditions. The configuration options are:
- Controlled by the input - the output is closed if the related input is closed
- Controlled by the alarm on the input - the output is closed if the related input is alarm status
- Controlled by ringing - the output is closed if a phone call (with no answer) is received from authorized numebers
- Thermostatic function - the output is closed or opened according to the measured value of temperature on one of the sensors.
This allows the control of external cooling or heating systems to keep the preset environmental conditions.
- Main power supply signalling - the output is closed or opened according to the main power supply status (with backup battery connected)
SMS control
The SMS Line Control allows also interacting with the controlled system with a SMS based method.
In particular it is possible to request SMS reporting the current working status
(temperature, humidity, main power supply, input and output status) and also to drive the output relays,
to stop and restart the alarm messages transmission (e.g. function stopped during maintenance).
Further features may be developed and distributed on demand.
Of course all the control SMS must contain the device password to be effective, in order to ensure a good degree of security.
External alarms forwarding via WEB
If you have external devices that need to send alarm SMS or Email, these messages can be routed through the SMS Line Control,
using simple HTTP connections.
By sending a request to the Web server of the device you can send messages to both the default contacts list, either to a different recipient.
GPRS control
The SMS Line Control also allows the sending of all the alarms and the device complete status to a pre-configured webserver, over a GRPS connection,
and at preset time intervals.
This way you can control also those locations where there is no wired network connection, getting too many other advantages:
the collection of data on the server, reduction of communication costs due to usually cheaper rates for data transmission,
centralization of the status of several devices into a single system of collection and surveillance.
For this purpose, Area SX provides for free a simple frontend web based on MySQL and PHP servers
for the collection and display of the data coming from the remote devices.
This frontend may be downloaded, in PHP source code version, completed with MySql database structure for storing data
and it may be freely used and / or extended at will of user.
A detailed description of the system is described in the article Line Control Room: a free surveillance system via GPRS fo the SMS Line Control.
Manual SMS Line Control 6.00: SMS Line Control_V600.pdf
Line Control Room:
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Tags: - Domotica - GPRS - GSM - Modbus - Monitoraggio Ambientale - Networking - RS485 - Schede Area SX - SMS - Telecontrollo -